I keep thinking about writing a blog post and then never doing it. But I'm doing it now. Obviously.
If you follow me on instagram here then you've probably seen all of these photos already. (and if you don't follow me- then click that link and follow me.)
-I went bowling with all of these cute girls.
-I hung out with more cute girls & ate pizza/played cards against humanity for the first time.
-I took selfies with my vacuum.
-I took selfies without my vacuum.
-I did a quick photo shoot with @chellasuicide using balloons that we found in the trash aka trash balloons.
-I thought this was a good idea.
-I convinced myself that yellow hair would look really cool, so I dyed my hair yellow. &It didn't look cool. So I threw some blue back in there really quickly.
-And then @lucid posed with my ass in a parking garage.
& here are all of my friends/people in these pictures.
@chellasuicide @lucid @arachna @empress_ @brittanyjeanne @indi_ @minecraft @sabresuicide @medusa @pax_