I've survived the first week. Seems to be going okay.
Some rival petcare firm has been telling everyone she meets that we have an outbreak of kennel cough here. Fucking bitch. So a bunch of Gemsy's hard earned new customers have cancelled their bookings and gone to her. We only found out because she phoned up all nice and offered to "help out with our bookings".
Some fucking people will stop at nothing.
No idea where this even started from. Floyd ate something (probably a load of fallen plums in the garden) and has had the shits but aside from that, no illness here.
Saw the X-Files film tonight. Not brilliant, but not crap. Me and Gemsy bumped into her brother and friends in the carpark before hand so we all sat together. We were probably the worst people to sit behind as we were cheering at every geeky moment.
Some rival petcare firm has been telling everyone she meets that we have an outbreak of kennel cough here. Fucking bitch. So a bunch of Gemsy's hard earned new customers have cancelled their bookings and gone to her. We only found out because she phoned up all nice and offered to "help out with our bookings".
Some fucking people will stop at nothing.
No idea where this even started from. Floyd ate something (probably a load of fallen plums in the garden) and has had the shits but aside from that, no illness here.
Saw the X-Files film tonight. Not brilliant, but not crap. Me and Gemsy bumped into her brother and friends in the carpark before hand so we all sat together. We were probably the worst people to sit behind as we were cheering at every geeky moment.
I like X Files but really not arsed about the new film; saw Hellboy II last night - that was cracking!
Message sent, it's going be a bitching time, just stealing net from my mate in manc right now.