I got my account back!!
Finally, after a year, I had some spare cash.
So what have I been up to...
Brought a house, It's a mess but it's mine and I love it
Been to Download and Reading festivals, both should have been so good if I wasn't in such a foul mood all the way through both of them
Got a dog, a schnauzer called Floyd who was 15 weeks yesterday and is the cutest thing in the world. Seriously, give me Mr Depp covered in chocolat and my dog, I'd pick Floyd (calm the kink filled titters).
Quit my job as a civil servent. If anyone on here has ever worked for their governments tax collection department you'll understand why, or maybe the UKs just worse, or you have more patience, I dunno.
Applied to University.
The last two making me quite twitchy but very very happy.
Rejoined SG. Was nice to see my old post still on here, but strange in a way when you see how much you've moved on in a year.
ciao for now,
Finally, after a year, I had some spare cash.
So what have I been up to...
Brought a house, It's a mess but it's mine and I love it
Been to Download and Reading festivals, both should have been so good if I wasn't in such a foul mood all the way through both of them
Got a dog, a schnauzer called Floyd who was 15 weeks yesterday and is the cutest thing in the world. Seriously, give me Mr Depp covered in chocolat and my dog, I'd pick Floyd (calm the kink filled titters).
Quit my job as a civil servent. If anyone on here has ever worked for their governments tax collection department you'll understand why, or maybe the UKs just worse, or you have more patience, I dunno.
Applied to University.
The last two making me quite twitchy but very very happy.
Rejoined SG. Was nice to see my old post still on here, but strange in a way when you see how much you've moved on in a year.
ciao for now,