Well lets see hugs to all and may the year bring joy wonder and be happy at the same time too as the year end and a new one starts it is time to see that the life still moves on be safe out there.smileblushkiss
Yep i like to say another year has come and I like to thank to those few people that said hi to me on here all year.
Thank you for saying hi, I am off to get ready for the New Year its the Dragon year he is coming so soon must get the place all clean..So he can come and drink with me take...
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Happy new year to you, mister! I hope you have a happy and safe one smile
Thank you very much hope your New Year is great as well..smile
Its the time change one hour back now...eeek Now for a while time will feel weird..
smileI was a nice day today the sun was out and I got to enjoy it for a little bit. Just a small part of the weather just a cool breez and that is about it.
Then my cat put his claws into my arm and it hurt. All well hope I don't get an infecton got some stuff I put on it.
That TV...
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I know nobody reads these just home a lone and just being alone for the weeknd.frown
Yea i know... But I will be all right just me and the cat and that is about it. It is kind of cold out too...
Hope that you have a great Halloween weekend. be safe and have loads of fun,,,smile
some people read these!
Yep I went to the Mid Ohio Con well called the Wizard Con.
It was cool as hell and lots of fun there just that in the start I was lost but then I figure everything out.
I got to see people dress up in great costume.
It was great. I did get to meet 2 Suicide girls this year I went to the booth...
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Remove PostRichard Muncy
Yea I broke a tap in my area tonight doing hand break install and now I have to pay the piper and bring in 2 dozen doughnuts is that some suger rush dougheeeknuts or what..
smilemiao!!Wow hot days up here and August is still a head of time.
Just bord nobody to talk to at a late hours in the morning it is cool I just talk to my cat and he says is Meow and that is about it.
All well they ont leave you alone untill lets see untill they want something.
Well thats i wrote for now.
Yep had a very bad head ace all day long. Don't know if it is from the weather or I am just tired or what did not have this thing yesterday . I just feel like crap and that is about it...
All and all hope it dose get better,frowneeekwhatever