My Birthday has pass and now I am 40 it is weird I don't feel any different I do know that growing up I use to think 40 was very old and now that I have reach it I don't know. The hair on my head is fading and all I know is that in ten years I will be half a century old I just cannot see it but it is coming up fast ten years may seem long but it will sneak up on you while your not looking.
Then you wake up and be like O man where has time is at and where has it gone I was young now old and that middle in between you just don't see cause your too busy with school and work and the daily life events and then one day the mirror you see is you but it really not cause you wonder where the real you has gone.
all well just a rant lol Its just crazy that life is just filled with wonder and just keep going for yesterday is just gone and the future lies a head.