Well another day has went bye and it is Sunday morning and the sun is going to come out while the paper will be at the door. The night I had just filled with drawings and stuff like that has really did last night made the day go bye fast just that it was a cool day that I was cold all day long even though it was in the 70's here just that it has to get above 80s or higher for me to be warm.
Well lets see have to bring my orange cat inside.. Well my cat just came to the window and i had to let him in. He is eating and getting ready for his day time sleep. I was lucky that he did not bring me any animals tonight which is good people getting mad at my cat for doing cat things like eat birds and rabbits but they love him when he at the mouse.
He is a great hunter at the night I don't know but I think some animals cannot see the cat due to the facts that they are most of the time color blind my cat has orange furr and white patchs on his body some cats are all white toghter and they still catch prey. Other than being a very furry cat that is part of the ice age I think cause he is really furry and has furr on the feet hates the hot but loves the cold I know he love's being out when it is very cold out and stays there.
Well that is it time fro a nap and do this all over again in the time I wake up.
Well lets see have to bring my orange cat inside.. Well my cat just came to the window and i had to let him in. He is eating and getting ready for his day time sleep. I was lucky that he did not bring me any animals tonight which is good people getting mad at my cat for doing cat things like eat birds and rabbits but they love him when he at the mouse.
He is a great hunter at the night I don't know but I think some animals cannot see the cat due to the facts that they are most of the time color blind my cat has orange furr and white patchs on his body some cats are all white toghter and they still catch prey. Other than being a very furry cat that is part of the ice age I think cause he is really furry and has furr on the feet hates the hot but loves the cold I know he love's being out when it is very cold out and stays there.

Well that is it time fro a nap and do this all over again in the time I wake up.