Man it is a nice day up here in the land of Ohio. The sun is out and the air is cool.
I do not know what is making my cat kind of scard in my room he is acting very funny. I had to calm him down to feed him but for some reason while I was sleeping and he next to me he got scard enough that he jump very high and his claws scrach my stomic. sorry not a great person that can spell. But now I got two scrach marks there. Lucky for me he did not get to hit his claws on other parts of me and that would not have felt great.
Well lets see the Green Lantern movie is coming out or yea it is out this weekend.
I really do like Green Lantern his is my No 2 person I like in the comic book world next to Superman. Most people eather they like Superman or Batman. I don't know I am not a down to Earth type guy my mind just filled with crazy stuff. While I draw I have fun in another world in my head. I like the Batman movies but not the batman comics. I don't know I like the super power. For DC I like Superman Green Lantern Power Girl and Supergirl. Might like WOnderwoman just a little too much of an attuide but that what makes her great.
Marvel I like Spiderman Thor Capation America Wolverine. Just that he been over done in my book. Mss Marvel, Spider Woman and Sue Richards.
Other books I do like Frank Cho Liberty Meadows. Man Brandy a cool girl just that love how he draws her. Its the only comic book that made me laff so hard.
I do love Joe Linsner Dawn and Dark Ivery the way he draws them up and sin full suzi.
I love looking at art and it is cool. Comic book art is great and I do go deep like the old masters.
thats all I can think of. Here is a Drawing I did of the 11th Doctor I am a Doctor Who fan been watching since 1985 when it was on PBS up bere I hope you like it.
I do not know what is making my cat kind of scard in my room he is acting very funny. I had to calm him down to feed him but for some reason while I was sleeping and he next to me he got scard enough that he jump very high and his claws scrach my stomic. sorry not a great person that can spell. But now I got two scrach marks there. Lucky for me he did not get to hit his claws on other parts of me and that would not have felt great.
Well lets see the Green Lantern movie is coming out or yea it is out this weekend.
Marvel I like Spiderman Thor Capation America Wolverine. Just that he been over done in my book. Mss Marvel, Spider Woman and Sue Richards.
Other books I do like Frank Cho Liberty Meadows. Man Brandy a cool girl just that love how he draws her. Its the only comic book that made me laff so hard.
I do love Joe Linsner Dawn and Dark Ivery the way he draws them up and sin full suzi.
I love looking at art and it is cool. Comic book art is great and I do go deep like the old masters.
thats all I can think of. Here is a Drawing I did of the 11th Doctor I am a Doctor Who fan been watching since 1985 when it was on PBS up bere I hope you like it.