My Birthday has pass and now I am 40 it is weird I don't feel any different I do know that growing up I use to think 40 was very old and now that I have reach it I don't know. The hair on my head is fading and all I know is that in ten years I will be half a century old I...
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Well over the weekend it went a little crazy I had to pump air in my tire cause it was low so I went to that and the air would not go into my front tire I sat there for over five minuets and still nothing so I just decided to put the air cap back on my tire and then it snap off and...
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Just a lazy Sunday time to just well enjoy the day..
I have not been on here for a week or better but I been busy working nights and just taking it easy is cool too.
Just that the today Doctor Who comes on and I really do love watching the Doctor. Been watching since I was a kid back in the 80s when you could only watch it on PBS. I still like the 4th...
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Time must be really flying bye I look and notice I been a member on here since 2010. Wow lol..
I know I have not made many friends on here but everybody all ways busy.
But yea that is crazy..
sorry I'm not on here much. But do have an eight hour job and get off at one in the morning. Other than that I am just a night owl. LOL
Well I must say that Tattoo Women are hot and that I had to tell guys at work that don't like Tattoo on Women that the tattoos don't rub off. I just like to look and see what it looks like and seeing the ink and art is neat.
Well I have made it back on here and still think this is a neat place,
Well winter is coming soon and August feels cooler than normal well hope to make more friends and be safe out there.