ungh. my heart is worn out. i'm hoping that the last week was my big transition into fall, that time spent standing on the top step looking down at the descent, perched at the end of summer filled with bittersweet sunshine. now perhaps i can begin to walk down, gracefully, with a soft heart.
a big thanks to everyone who responded to my last post. above and beyond all else, the biggest gift you all gave me was just to bear witness.
however, i also do feel that i owe an apology to the person it was directed towards. i tend to forget that altho this is my 'private' journal, this is also a public forum...a cyber version of the town square. so i've deleted the post.
here's another picture from my new favorite artist, alexis mackenzie. all of her work is collage taken from victorian texts and prints.
'we are all friends'
a big thanks to everyone who responded to my last post. above and beyond all else, the biggest gift you all gave me was just to bear witness.
however, i also do feel that i owe an apology to the person it was directed towards. i tend to forget that altho this is my 'private' journal, this is also a public forum...a cyber version of the town square. so i've deleted the post.
here's another picture from my new favorite artist, alexis mackenzie. all of her work is collage taken from victorian texts and prints.

'we are all friends'

wow, there was me lathering up to respond to that last post, and now it's gone. Oh well...

so what's up with the heart then?