if you came to me
(any of you, really, but especially those who know my heart)
and said,
"i want you to be my friend forever.
so please stay right here with me."
i would say, "ok."
see, how simple really.
this is what people mean to me.
this is the only thiing that feels important and real.
but it also seems to be the most elusive.
everyone is so scared. myself included, of admitting how risky it is to care. i know i must sound so sentimental much of the time. but grief and loss have taught me that love and these people i share my life with are so absolutely precious, and everything else is ultimately an illusory waste of time.
but the world moves on, and so do lives. i'm not sure exactly *where* it moves to...i think that's all fog and smoke too. and yet it's what happens, and here are some tears to proove it.
so go ahead. ask me sometime. jump in. you already know my answer.

(any of you, really, but especially those who know my heart)
and said,
"i want you to be my friend forever.
so please stay right here with me."
i would say, "ok."
see, how simple really.
this is what people mean to me.
this is the only thiing that feels important and real.
but it also seems to be the most elusive.
everyone is so scared. myself included, of admitting how risky it is to care. i know i must sound so sentimental much of the time. but grief and loss have taught me that love and these people i share my life with are so absolutely precious, and everything else is ultimately an illusory waste of time.
but the world moves on, and so do lives. i'm not sure exactly *where* it moves to...i think that's all fog and smoke too. and yet it's what happens, and here are some tears to proove it.
so go ahead. ask me sometime. jump in. you already know my answer.

I am dear, just really busy as of late. Actually going to give you a call tomorrow night if you should be around the homestead.
thats a nice thing to say. Good work scorpio