thanks for the response to my last journal. i think i'll save that one to show my folks in case they ever find out i'm naked on the internet. so many responses that were about coming from the heart instead of just...coming!
i heart you folks.
speaking of hearts, how is yours? how are you feeling about valentines day? do you hate it because of the mass halmark commercialization? do you say bah to your cynicism and share the love? do you have any plans? i hope you all will spend the day with someone you care about, either in love, or at least commiserating.
did you know that one of the origins of valentines day was a roman holiday called lupercalia? it was a celebration of the time when the wolves (lupis) start going into heat and could be heard howling in the hills at night. a time to mark the lengthening days and to take heart that spring is around the corner. i love that.

speaking of hearts, how is yours? how are you feeling about valentines day? do you hate it because of the mass halmark commercialization? do you say bah to your cynicism and share the love? do you have any plans? i hope you all will spend the day with someone you care about, either in love, or at least commiserating.
did you know that one of the origins of valentines day was a roman holiday called lupercalia? it was a celebration of the time when the wolves (lupis) start going into heat and could be heard howling in the hills at night. a time to mark the lengthening days and to take heart that spring is around the corner. i love that.

just a quick note to say hey

even though vday is very commercial and i dispised the day anyway, i went out and bought cards for a few people. My mom, my neice a coworker a friend and the woman i love all because i know they enjoy getting something on vday. I didnt get a damn thing but i guess its the thought that counts.