you gonna read this? i mean REALLY read this? then take a deep breath and listen deep, otherwise don't waste my heart.
the other day in one of the groups, someone was dissing on a member because they were too lovey dovey in their comments, calling people sweetie and being super positive. they were deemed "fake". this member isn't really one of my "friends", but they've commented in my journal a couple of times, and their presence was appreciated.
when did cynical become the preferred way to be? it's nothing new shakespeare and the dude can dis with the best of them. but wtf? is my love really that scarey? is yours? stretch out your arms, trust me, they can hold more than you think.
i love it when people i don't know call me sweety, or hon. i instantly like them usually. do you hear that enough? a term of endearment directed towards you? do you get sick of it? cuz i don't know about you, but i don't ever get sick of affection. i'll let you in on a little secret. everyone needs love, and everyone loves love. and if i may be even more radical, this is our true state of being. your cynicism? sarcasm? anger? fear? sadness? guess what's underneathe all that? your big fat tender aching heart. and you ain't the only one with it. everybodies got that tender spot. even gwbush. do you think that guy got enough love in his childhoold? i doubt it, look at his father. and what about his father? where did he miss out? do you think it's possible to bomb the fuck out of an impoversihed country and murder people with an open heart? not last time i checked. somebody needs to cuddlepile that dude. i'm not raising my hand, cuz i'm human and i got my bones to pick just like anyone else. but i often wonder why we aren't all smashed up in snuggledom 100% of the time. wouldn't you like that? all these grievances, sorrows, biases, dislikes, fears, and insecurities all happen when we're thwarted in our deep desire to be intimate and honest and LOVING and raw.
look, i'm not some airy fairy pollyanna idiot who goes around anemic from a bleeding heart. being in society and being human is HARD; emotions are complicted and overwhelming. people piss me off as much as they do you. specially if they're in front of me in their car. but i too am someone who is pretty fucking lovey dovey on this site. and you know what? i don't freekin know any of you. and if we met in person we might not even like each other. but even if you're truly a drooling ugly asshole, this is my chance to acknowledge that little sweet heart of yours, and to let my heart be in it's true form: open, loving, generous. if i recognize beauty in something you say, or the way you present yourself in a set, or a candid, i want to reflect that back to you. maybe it's just me, but i find that to be all too rare and precious.
do me favor, and just ask yourself sometime, in the privacy of your own idaho, what are you so scared of? and would you just hold that in honesty, even for a coupla seconds? then come to my page and ask for a hug. this saccharine babe will dole it out.
you gonna read this? i mean REALLY read this? then take a deep breath and listen deep, otherwise don't waste my heart.
the other day in one of the groups, someone was dissing on a member because they were too lovey dovey in their comments, calling people sweetie and being super positive. they were deemed "fake". this member isn't really one of my "friends", but they've commented in my journal a couple of times, and their presence was appreciated.
when did cynical become the preferred way to be? it's nothing new shakespeare and the dude can dis with the best of them. but wtf? is my love really that scarey? is yours? stretch out your arms, trust me, they can hold more than you think.
i love it when people i don't know call me sweety, or hon. i instantly like them usually. do you hear that enough? a term of endearment directed towards you? do you get sick of it? cuz i don't know about you, but i don't ever get sick of affection. i'll let you in on a little secret. everyone needs love, and everyone loves love. and if i may be even more radical, this is our true state of being. your cynicism? sarcasm? anger? fear? sadness? guess what's underneathe all that? your big fat tender aching heart. and you ain't the only one with it. everybodies got that tender spot. even gwbush. do you think that guy got enough love in his childhoold? i doubt it, look at his father. and what about his father? where did he miss out? do you think it's possible to bomb the fuck out of an impoversihed country and murder people with an open heart? not last time i checked. somebody needs to cuddlepile that dude. i'm not raising my hand, cuz i'm human and i got my bones to pick just like anyone else. but i often wonder why we aren't all smashed up in snuggledom 100% of the time. wouldn't you like that? all these grievances, sorrows, biases, dislikes, fears, and insecurities all happen when we're thwarted in our deep desire to be intimate and honest and LOVING and raw.
look, i'm not some airy fairy pollyanna idiot who goes around anemic from a bleeding heart. being in society and being human is HARD; emotions are complicted and overwhelming. people piss me off as much as they do you. specially if they're in front of me in their car. but i too am someone who is pretty fucking lovey dovey on this site. and you know what? i don't freekin know any of you. and if we met in person we might not even like each other. but even if you're truly a drooling ugly asshole, this is my chance to acknowledge that little sweet heart of yours, and to let my heart be in it's true form: open, loving, generous. if i recognize beauty in something you say, or the way you present yourself in a set, or a candid, i want to reflect that back to you. maybe it's just me, but i find that to be all too rare and precious.
do me favor, and just ask yourself sometime, in the privacy of your own idaho, what are you so scared of? and would you just hold that in honesty, even for a coupla seconds? then come to my page and ask for a hug. this saccharine babe will dole it out.
and just for you - *hugs* for saying all that, and for being cute to boot.