for your viewing pleasure....some of you old skoolers might know what this is in reference to, but it should just be enjoyed, regardles. ♥
i went home last weekend and visited my folks at their new assisted living apartment. it's kinda like a posh hotel, and it's not exactly what i would choose for myself, but the decor, the environment and the general atmosphere is very uplifted. my parents, for the first time in probably 15 years feel like they are part of a community...albeit created for difficult reasons, but community none the less. they eat three meals a day prepared by a chef who considers my folks "his favorites" and they often share tables with the other tenants. i met phyllis, who, despite having introduced him 8 times as "leo" kept calling my dog "joe". there was myrna, who talked onandonandonandonandonandonandon, until my father used the muscles that aren't paralyzed to make funny faces at me showing how bored he was. he and i stifled giggles while my mom kept up a polite facade (we got a talking to afterwards). i had some very bittersweet moments with my father, who at one point turned to me all bright eyed and said, "when i get out of here, when i can walk again, and if i have any damn money left, let's take a trip. would you like that? just go on a plane somewhere and rent a house?" i suggested we go to the cornwall coast in england. "oh yes, let's do that. let's go to cornwall". i don't know if he'll ever walk again, but for that brief moment, we pretended like everything was ok and that there was enough hope in the world for miracles.
here we are fucking around with photobooth:

i took several drives while i was up there to look for wildflowers. spring still has it's chin resting on it's fist...it's in the "hmmmmm....i think i'll start blooming..." stage. but i got some great shots. i also found a pioneer cemetary.

blue lupin

red bud

killed by indians

dorothy was 10

cat tails

apple blossom

yesterday miss bliss and i went to the "BYOBW" race. that, folks, stands for "bring your own big wheels." we wore matching outfits and bliss wore heels, and we skidded our way down the crookedest st. in SF. NOT lombard street, the steepest and crookedest is actually vermont st.!
i'm the super slow one that goes by on the left right after evil knevil bites the dust. the guys in the tobogan were my favorite. as well as the guy wrapped in bubble wrap. next year we are going to bring cheerleaders and wear capes.
i was slow, but i still crashed twice and got road rash on my elbow and ass.
and finally, i have a new tattoo that i just finished getting colored in.

by gordon at braindrops in SF
tell me about your spring adventures.

for your viewing pleasure....some of you old skoolers might know what this is in reference to, but it should just be enjoyed, regardles. ♥
i went home last weekend and visited my folks at their new assisted living apartment. it's kinda like a posh hotel, and it's not exactly what i would choose for myself, but the decor, the environment and the general atmosphere is very uplifted. my parents, for the first time in probably 15 years feel like they are part of a community...albeit created for difficult reasons, but community none the less. they eat three meals a day prepared by a chef who considers my folks "his favorites" and they often share tables with the other tenants. i met phyllis, who, despite having introduced him 8 times as "leo" kept calling my dog "joe". there was myrna, who talked onandonandonandonandonandonandon, until my father used the muscles that aren't paralyzed to make funny faces at me showing how bored he was. he and i stifled giggles while my mom kept up a polite facade (we got a talking to afterwards). i had some very bittersweet moments with my father, who at one point turned to me all bright eyed and said, "when i get out of here, when i can walk again, and if i have any damn money left, let's take a trip. would you like that? just go on a plane somewhere and rent a house?" i suggested we go to the cornwall coast in england. "oh yes, let's do that. let's go to cornwall". i don't know if he'll ever walk again, but for that brief moment, we pretended like everything was ok and that there was enough hope in the world for miracles.
here we are fucking around with photobooth:

i took several drives while i was up there to look for wildflowers. spring still has it's chin resting on it's fist...it's in the "hmmmmm....i think i'll start blooming..." stage. but i got some great shots. i also found a pioneer cemetary.

blue lupin

red bud

killed by indians

dorothy was 10

cat tails

apple blossom

yesterday miss bliss and i went to the "BYOBW" race. that, folks, stands for "bring your own big wheels." we wore matching outfits and bliss wore heels, and we skidded our way down the crookedest st. in SF. NOT lombard street, the steepest and crookedest is actually vermont st.!
i'm the super slow one that goes by on the left right after evil knevil bites the dust. the guys in the tobogan were my favorite. as well as the guy wrapped in bubble wrap. next year we are going to bring cheerleaders and wear capes.
i was slow, but i still crashed twice and got road rash on my elbow and ass.
and finally, i have a new tattoo that i just finished getting colored in.

by gordon at braindrops in SF
tell me about your spring adventures.

Your Dad is delightful. And has good taste in trips - I grew up in Cornwall and the coast is a beautiful place to walk.
My Dad's not been doing so well the past couple years so your moment of bittersweet really resonated with me. Especially since my Dad and I used to walk the coast of Cornwall when I was little.
Those are sublime pictures.
/random journal stalk