i appreciate all the friend requests...it's nice! but please don't request me without at least posting in my journal and dialoguing with me first. i don't have time to write the friends on my list, so i will delete you if you're random. don't take it personally.
i had the best fucking night last night.
despite it being sold out, a friend and i headed down to slim's to see if we could get tickets for Gogol Bordello. i saw them for the first time last...was it summer?...with my burlesque troupe-mates. they had been talking about it for months, and had tried to describe it to me, but i really had no idea what to expect. during that first show, as we stood off to the side of the dancefloor, i was absolutely mesmerized...was it possible? somebody just made my ultimate dream punk band? ukranian gypsy punk rock, unstoppable stage presence and high energy, with a hot lead singer with a handlebar moustache and gypsy girls in oddly sexy mismatched costumes playing giant drums and washboards? be still my beating heart!!
the pics say a lot, yeah?
so anyway, when i heard they were in town again, there was no way i was going to miss it without a fight. as i neared the venue, my friend called saying that she was outside and had already found one ticket. i caught up to her a few seconds later...we chit chatted, talked to the door guy, a homeless guy...but it was almost to the end of the first opening band, and no second ticket. my heart was just barely starting to sink, when some rather normal looking joes passed us. do you guys by any chance have an extra ticket?
why as a matter of fact, we do! enjoy the show! no, we don't want any money for it...just give them our regards.
once inside it was another opening band, but we used the time to suck down a couple of drinks and make our way to the front and center. while we were holding down the fort, a cute girl with rockstar hair in front of me touched my arm and pointed to my ears...beautiful!! (i had tied lace through my stretched lobes) and we started chatting to her and her friend. when i asked if she'd seen the band before she enthusiastically said, OH YEAH! eugene--the lead singer--is a pretty good friend of mine. but it was nice the way she said it...not like a pretentious scenester, but like a mom who was really proud of her kid. we talked for a bit...currently she's studying and cutting open cadavers. awesome.
you know, she said, eyeing my very full glass of beer,when they start up, it's going to get crazy here in middle. we'll all move over to the left side, ok?.
i vaguely remembered people dancing hard at the last show, but thought it would probably be fine. a girl in back of me tapped me on the shoulder, your hair keeps getting in my face (it was all piled on my head with chopsticks, loose curls coming down in random directions. i gave her an "oops! sorry!" face.
three seconds later as the band started, i wondered what she thought as not only my hair, but EVERYONE was all over everyone, and my beer was all over me. slammed from right to left, my friend and i beat a retreat and nursed our wounds in a corner. "GOD!" she said, rubbing her shoulder, "that 's so juvenile!" "i know!" i replied, "last time i moshed was when i was 20, and i got chunks of my hair pulled out." we stood watching the craziness for a minute. then we glanced at each other...
let's go back in there!
we found our new friends, and for the next two hours, we held onto each other in solidarity and jumped and danced and screamed and pushed and flowed and gave and received and got very intimate with people we didn't know as their bodies became extensions of our own. my shirt was drenched in my own and about 15 other peoples' sweat, and when i took a bathroom break, i had to peel my jeans off, they were so wet. (am i sexy now?
). it was wonderful to make so much contact, to support and be supported and not watch the music, but to BE the music. we all felt directly connected to the performers, their music driving us forwardbacksidetoside. one of the giant drums was tossed onto the crowd, and eugene and one of the girls sat on top as it crowd surfed. at the end, we got pulled up on stage, along with a lot of other people, and someone spun me around as the song came to it's final climatic kabang.
and in other news
hey, guess what i finally found? MY ASS! that's right! i used to have a lot more junk in the trunk, and then i dropped 15 lbs a little over a year and a 1/2 ago, and apparently it was all from my butt! with having only itty bitty titties, it was my best asset. (get it...butt, ASSet, why aren't you laughing?) with my new regimen of copious amounts of goat cheese combined with glut crunches in bellydance, my booty is back! now i can take down all those missing posters....
i just spent an inordinant amount of time on the silliness boards. i hadn't checked it out because i thought it would be...uh...silly. but i just laughed so hard i almost woke up the baby.
i am completely and utterly addicted to tartine bakery, here in SF. i usually avoid eggs and cheese, but the other morning i shared a slice of quiche with a friend, and they had to sit on me to keep me from climbing naked into the bakery case to rub the rest of it all over my body. and don't even get me started on the gougeres...fucking YUM.
today for lunch i made a spring pasta dish...fieldroast vegan apple and sage "sausage", olive oil, pasta, peas, sage and gourmet goat cheese. there was no one around to stop me from rolling around in this one. most of it made it in my mouth tho.
today out and about with the kid, it was like the sesame street song, "who are the people in your neighborhood" (in your neighborhood, oh in your neigh-bor-HOOD, oh who are the people in your neighborhood...the people that you meet each day?) a year and a 1/2 of putzing all over the lower haight, and we have friends now wherever we go. today everyone seemed to be all out at once, and we had lots of nice chats on every block. this is what's sweet about being in the same hood for 8 years too.
why am i telling you all this? i don't usually ramble. well...perhaps that's why.
it's fucking raining and cold. AGAIN.
one more thing. i have a crush on a pirate. i'll let you decide if you believe me or not.
and NO, not this pirate. *rolls eyes*.
i know i'm predictable, but just maybe i mean someone other than a movie star (and just leave viggo mortensen out of this, you hear?)
bye. thanks for reading. love you!
i had the best fucking night last night.
despite it being sold out, a friend and i headed down to slim's to see if we could get tickets for Gogol Bordello. i saw them for the first time last...was it summer?...with my burlesque troupe-mates. they had been talking about it for months, and had tried to describe it to me, but i really had no idea what to expect. during that first show, as we stood off to the side of the dancefloor, i was absolutely mesmerized...was it possible? somebody just made my ultimate dream punk band? ukranian gypsy punk rock, unstoppable stage presence and high energy, with a hot lead singer with a handlebar moustache and gypsy girls in oddly sexy mismatched costumes playing giant drums and washboards? be still my beating heart!!

the pics say a lot, yeah?
so anyway, when i heard they were in town again, there was no way i was going to miss it without a fight. as i neared the venue, my friend called saying that she was outside and had already found one ticket. i caught up to her a few seconds later...we chit chatted, talked to the door guy, a homeless guy...but it was almost to the end of the first opening band, and no second ticket. my heart was just barely starting to sink, when some rather normal looking joes passed us. do you guys by any chance have an extra ticket?
why as a matter of fact, we do! enjoy the show! no, we don't want any money for it...just give them our regards.

once inside it was another opening band, but we used the time to suck down a couple of drinks and make our way to the front and center. while we were holding down the fort, a cute girl with rockstar hair in front of me touched my arm and pointed to my ears...beautiful!! (i had tied lace through my stretched lobes) and we started chatting to her and her friend. when i asked if she'd seen the band before she enthusiastically said, OH YEAH! eugene--the lead singer--is a pretty good friend of mine. but it was nice the way she said it...not like a pretentious scenester, but like a mom who was really proud of her kid. we talked for a bit...currently she's studying and cutting open cadavers. awesome.
you know, she said, eyeing my very full glass of beer,when they start up, it's going to get crazy here in middle. we'll all move over to the left side, ok?.
i vaguely remembered people dancing hard at the last show, but thought it would probably be fine. a girl in back of me tapped me on the shoulder, your hair keeps getting in my face (it was all piled on my head with chopsticks, loose curls coming down in random directions. i gave her an "oops! sorry!" face.
three seconds later as the band started, i wondered what she thought as not only my hair, but EVERYONE was all over everyone, and my beer was all over me. slammed from right to left, my friend and i beat a retreat and nursed our wounds in a corner. "GOD!" she said, rubbing her shoulder, "that 's so juvenile!" "i know!" i replied, "last time i moshed was when i was 20, and i got chunks of my hair pulled out." we stood watching the craziness for a minute. then we glanced at each other...
let's go back in there!
we found our new friends, and for the next two hours, we held onto each other in solidarity and jumped and danced and screamed and pushed and flowed and gave and received and got very intimate with people we didn't know as their bodies became extensions of our own. my shirt was drenched in my own and about 15 other peoples' sweat, and when i took a bathroom break, i had to peel my jeans off, they were so wet. (am i sexy now?

and in other news
hey, guess what i finally found? MY ASS! that's right! i used to have a lot more junk in the trunk, and then i dropped 15 lbs a little over a year and a 1/2 ago, and apparently it was all from my butt! with having only itty bitty titties, it was my best asset. (get it...butt, ASSet, why aren't you laughing?) with my new regimen of copious amounts of goat cheese combined with glut crunches in bellydance, my booty is back! now i can take down all those missing posters....
i just spent an inordinant amount of time on the silliness boards. i hadn't checked it out because i thought it would be...uh...silly. but i just laughed so hard i almost woke up the baby.
i am completely and utterly addicted to tartine bakery, here in SF. i usually avoid eggs and cheese, but the other morning i shared a slice of quiche with a friend, and they had to sit on me to keep me from climbing naked into the bakery case to rub the rest of it all over my body. and don't even get me started on the gougeres...fucking YUM.
today for lunch i made a spring pasta dish...fieldroast vegan apple and sage "sausage", olive oil, pasta, peas, sage and gourmet goat cheese. there was no one around to stop me from rolling around in this one. most of it made it in my mouth tho.
today out and about with the kid, it was like the sesame street song, "who are the people in your neighborhood" (in your neighborhood, oh in your neigh-bor-HOOD, oh who are the people in your neighborhood...the people that you meet each day?) a year and a 1/2 of putzing all over the lower haight, and we have friends now wherever we go. today everyone seemed to be all out at once, and we had lots of nice chats on every block. this is what's sweet about being in the same hood for 8 years too.
why am i telling you all this? i don't usually ramble. well...perhaps that's why.
it's fucking raining and cold. AGAIN.
one more thing. i have a crush on a pirate. i'll let you decide if you believe me or not.

and NO, not this pirate. *rolls eyes*.

i know i'm predictable, but just maybe i mean someone other than a movie star (and just leave viggo mortensen out of this, you hear?)

bye. thanks for reading. love you!

And yeah, the set was fun to shoot. Oryx is killer to work with