saturday update: thank you SO MUCH for all the comments and messages on my new set!!!! i will respond to all of you, but it will take a while since my computer is cantankerous, and also because i will be without internet access for a good part of the weekend. but i've read each and every word, and i appreciate it all...very big kisses from my heart to yours! MUAH!
here's some purdy pics bliss and i took for our burlesque troupe peek*a*boo
we're entering the miss exotic world contest, set to happen in may, in las vegas. we didn't realize the application deadline was so soon though, and didn't have enough time to put together a polished press kit, etc etc blah blah blah. that means our chances of getting in are slim, but cross your fingers for us, because we've got a great piece in store, and we really want the chance to exhibit.
a very cheerful shambhala day to you. shambhala is the name of the meditation center i practice at (and there are centers all over the world), as well as being the fabled land of enlightened society from tibetan cosmology. shambhala day celebrates the end of don season (pronounced dun), that has been happening for the last few weeks. it's been a time of ripening karma, when obstacles gain wrathful energy. things have been intense and potent, wild, wooly, and a little dark. the new moon today pronounces a fresh start, and the dispelling of any binds that have kept us wrapped our struggles, irritations, relationships, and ourselves. this was my fourth year celebrating at my local center, and my very favorite part is something that takes place right at the very beginning of the morning. through a speakerphone conference call, all the centers from all corners of the globe call in for "role call". i love hearing the garbled cheers and catch phrases over the line as each group makes themselves known. a sense of sweet connection with folks from all walks of life, in all places, doing their small, meek, humble part to create change in the world by developing compassion. it's a path that's not very glamorous, and sometimes doesn't feel worth it, but days like today help return my confidence that this is one of the many trails towards wisdom that i've chosen for a reason.
big changes happening here for me. a lot of...dismantling...which isn't exactly new, but there's structures coming down in my life that leave me feeling too raw and exposed...just when i thought rawness was something i could feel boredom about. how silly of me! that's all i can say for right now...but i'll share more when the time is right.
until then, i hope all is well with you. and tell me something about what has been loosening up for you in your life travels.
here's some purdy pics bliss and i took for our burlesque troupe peek*a*boo

we're entering the miss exotic world contest, set to happen in may, in las vegas. we didn't realize the application deadline was so soon though, and didn't have enough time to put together a polished press kit, etc etc blah blah blah. that means our chances of getting in are slim, but cross your fingers for us, because we've got a great piece in store, and we really want the chance to exhibit.
a very cheerful shambhala day to you. shambhala is the name of the meditation center i practice at (and there are centers all over the world), as well as being the fabled land of enlightened society from tibetan cosmology. shambhala day celebrates the end of don season (pronounced dun), that has been happening for the last few weeks. it's been a time of ripening karma, when obstacles gain wrathful energy. things have been intense and potent, wild, wooly, and a little dark. the new moon today pronounces a fresh start, and the dispelling of any binds that have kept us wrapped our struggles, irritations, relationships, and ourselves. this was my fourth year celebrating at my local center, and my very favorite part is something that takes place right at the very beginning of the morning. through a speakerphone conference call, all the centers from all corners of the globe call in for "role call". i love hearing the garbled cheers and catch phrases over the line as each group makes themselves known. a sense of sweet connection with folks from all walks of life, in all places, doing their small, meek, humble part to create change in the world by developing compassion. it's a path that's not very glamorous, and sometimes doesn't feel worth it, but days like today help return my confidence that this is one of the many trails towards wisdom that i've chosen for a reason.
big changes happening here for me. a lot of...dismantling...which isn't exactly new, but there's structures coming down in my life that leave me feeling too raw and exposed...just when i thought rawness was something i could feel boredom about. how silly of me! that's all i can say for right now...but i'll share more when the time is right.
until then, i hope all is well with you. and tell me something about what has been loosening up for you in your life travels.

who knew they could be so happy?!