Two years on the site, and I'm finally being prompted to share my ramblings with the blog world. Who/What is prompting me you might be asking? Maybe it's a new guy, maybe a group requirement, maybe a little monster in my dream telling me to do it I'll let you decide. So, what to write about now with all this pressure?
Can't give too much away (I hear there are some lurkers around!). I suppose a rough summary of my most recent experiences will do. Since the closing of last year, my life seems to have been a whirlwind of new ones, so there should be plenty of material then! I'll break it down into categories for you, and give a little bit of dirt on each. (I'm such a fanatic for lists)
Work is mediocre:
I just graduated University, finally have my degree, and started full time work this week. It's scary being a 'real' adult. I've dealt with the whole supporting oneself thing for a while, but there's something about being done school and having a potential lifetime of 9-5 ahead of me that's very unsettling. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my job, but I can think of a lot of better things to be doing with my life. Why can't I be a professional traveller, or partier? Is there such a job as professional partier? I'd be really good at it
The majority of men (at least I was beginning to think so) are mediocre or worse!:
I was so nave just a short time ago. A relationship I had been in for almost 4 years, my first and only real love, went through a transition when we decided to give an open relationship a try. I desperately wanted to see what else was out there that I might be missing. It worked out for a little while but got complicated so we put an end to it, and us. After having been with only a few guys my entire life, I wasn't (and still aren't... i think) looking for anything serious, so naturally I started to casually date. Although fun, spontaneous, and liberating, it's not as glamorous as I once thought - especially the occasional sex. I miss having a connection with someone, someone who pays attention, listens and cares about what I like and want. This could be partly my fault for not verbalizing itor maybe my expectations are too high but it's something I haven't found with just a 'fuck buddy'.
Fortunately, my friends are not so mediocre:
I am so pumped for this summer. I'm living with two great girls; no I take that back... amazing, fantastic, smart, cute, fun girls! We are going to have a blast. One final season of warm weather, patios, skinny dipping, and adventure, in my little student house before I'm off to Europe in August (which I am equally excited for!). My plan is to make the most of every single night .. after work.. haha.
I guess this got a teeny bit most personal than I intended it to.
From Karen

Work is mediocre:
I just graduated University, finally have my degree, and started full time work this week. It's scary being a 'real' adult. I've dealt with the whole supporting oneself thing for a while, but there's something about being done school and having a potential lifetime of 9-5 ahead of me that's very unsettling. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my job, but I can think of a lot of better things to be doing with my life. Why can't I be a professional traveller, or partier? Is there such a job as professional partier? I'd be really good at it
The majority of men (at least I was beginning to think so) are mediocre or worse!:
I was so nave just a short time ago. A relationship I had been in for almost 4 years, my first and only real love, went through a transition when we decided to give an open relationship a try. I desperately wanted to see what else was out there that I might be missing. It worked out for a little while but got complicated so we put an end to it, and us. After having been with only a few guys my entire life, I wasn't (and still aren't... i think) looking for anything serious, so naturally I started to casually date. Although fun, spontaneous, and liberating, it's not as glamorous as I once thought - especially the occasional sex. I miss having a connection with someone, someone who pays attention, listens and cares about what I like and want. This could be partly my fault for not verbalizing itor maybe my expectations are too high but it's something I haven't found with just a 'fuck buddy'.
Fortunately, my friends are not so mediocre:
I am so pumped for this summer. I'm living with two great girls; no I take that back... amazing, fantastic, smart, cute, fun girls! We are going to have a blast. One final season of warm weather, patios, skinny dipping, and adventure, in my little student house before I'm off to Europe in August (which I am equally excited for!). My plan is to make the most of every single night .. after work.. haha.
I guess this got a teeny bit most personal than I intended it to.
From Karen

btw, part three commin at ya right quick!