I also think that this girl is ridiculous fucking hot and I can't believe I only just noticed her. Mrow.

I am stealing this from one of Scully_Scuddy_MD's older blogs because I think it is a riot:
10 Things You Don't Know About Women
Jenna Fischer stars in NBC's The Office
By Jenna Fischer
1. If we run into your ex-girlfriend in public, the first thing you should do is put your arm around us. And if we have to introduce ourselves, you are in big trouble.
2. When you tell us about a business lunch you had with a woman, it's a good idea to tell us that she's fat, ugly, old, or a lesbian. Preferably all of them.
3. PMS is real. It's chemical, and it sucks. If someone told you that every thirty days you were going to get jacked repeatedly in the nuts, you'd be pissy around day twenty-six, too.
4. When we say, "I don't feel connected," the only appropriate response is, "I feel it, too. Let's go out for a nice dinner and reconnect." Try it. You will get laid.
5. If you can locate the following items in our home -- tape, casserole dish, Christmas ornaments -- you will get laid.
6. If you act excited about the bath mat we bought at Target, you will get laid.
7. We really want to have kids. That is, until you want to have kids. Then: "Hey, slow down. What about my career? It's my body. I'm not just a depository for your sperm, you know. Fuck off. Wait, come back. I'm sorry about that. It's sweet you want to have kids. Let's talk about it in a year."
8. You know what's really gay? Football. Instead of watching it, just have sex with another dude once a year. Get it all out of your system at once.
9. We can make a "celebrity safe list" if you want. But I am way more likely to get Patrick Dempsey to fuck me in a bathroom than you are to get Lindsay Lohan to suck you off in your car.
10. Okay, wait. Maybe not Lindsay Lohan. But you know what I mean.
My husband comes back home tomorrow (Wednesday) night. He has been out in Washinton, DC, the past few days competing for Soldier of the Quarter at brigade level. It would be awesome if he won. He already won at company and then battalion level. If he wins, he goes on to INSCOM level and then (I'm pretty sure) Army level. As in Soldier of the Army sort of thing. That would be fucking sweet. I'm so proud of my honey.
I will not be picking my husband up from the airport tomorrow night. Do you know why? Because I will be watching this delicious hunk of human flesh perform:

Yeah. Uh-huh. That's right. Josh-fucking-Groban. I am so excited. I will be working the concert. Keep your fingers crossed that I get to work a camera kill-zone so all I have to do is sit next to a camera and watch the show.
OMG. So excited.
Speaking of concerts, working the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert on July 31st was awesome. I ended up working the edge of one of the thrust stages. So, basically, whenever one of them came down to the end to shake people's hands I stood up and kept people from rushing the stage. At all other times, I was chillin' in a seat watching the show. They both touched me. Faith leaned her breasts over me. Tim sweated on me. It was fucking awesome.
Oh and if anyone went to that Denver show and has pictures, I'd love to get some from you. Since I had to work it, I couldn't take any pics. So, any would be appreciated.

One of my cats is in heat and won't shut the hell up. *sigh* She is yowling. And howling. Gah.
One more thing, go buy this guy's music:

Cast In Bronze
I saw him this year at the RenFaire. He is amazing. He plays the fucking carillon. A portable carillon.
Imagine that you play a musical instrument so rare that no one knows it exists. Imagine further that this instrument weighs several tons, making it next to impossible to perform indoors. To complicate matters, imagine that you have combined this unknown, very large instrument with other musical instruments thereby creating a completely new sound and musical style never before experienced.
I swear, oh Lord, I will not complain about my life anymore. I don't think anyone has the right to complain, because at least you are not this man. Holy shit. And yes, it's real. Oh my god.