For all of you who commented on my last blog asking why I hated Pirates 3 so much, forgive me but it's still hard for me to put it down in writing. Even thinking about it makes me sick. Yeah, I take my Pirates seriously, and I still feel utterly betrayed. I'll write about it in the future when the thought of it doesn't make me want to kill someone. *sigh*

For those of you out there who love the TV show Firefly and/or the movie Serenity, from June 16-24, cities all over the world will be showing Serenity on the big screen to benefit Joss Whedon's favorite charity, Equality Now. If you want more info or to see if it will be screened in your city, please visit:

If you are in Colorado, here is the information for the screening here in Denver on the 23rd:
From the MileHighBrowncoats website:
Can't Stop The Serenity
June 23, 2007 at 5:00PM & 8:00 PM
Starz FilmCenter at the Tivoli
900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, CO 80204
The Mile High Browncoats are proud to host a charity screening of Serenity to benefit Equality Now. Celebrate Mr. Whedon's birthday, June 23rd, with your fellow Browncoats and donate to his favorite charity as well.
Admission is only $10 per person, all proceeds after cost will go to Equality Now. For every donation of $1.00, you will receive a raffle ticket and be entered into our drawing for shiny prizes. Each admission also includes 1 (one) raffle ticket. You must be present to win.
Within 24 hours of purchasing your admission(s) you will receive a e-mail with your confirmation number. Please bring this with you to The Starz FilmCenter at the Tivoli the night of the screening to get in. You will also receive any donation raffle tickets at the door as well.
If you can not attend but would still like to donate to Equality Now through this site, please feel free.
Doors open at 4:00 PM and the first screening of Serenity begins promptly at 5:00 PM. The drawing will be held at 7:15pm. The second screening will begin at 8:00pm. Seats are limited so order your tickets early.
Raffle tickets will also be available at the door.
I, of course, will be in costume. So will crashdog. It would be great to see lots of SGers there, even if you aren't a hardcore Browncoat. Just come watch the Big Damn Movie on the big screen for a great cause!
Checking out your threadosaurus now - when I was 5 and Dad counted 29 dinosaurs I could name and write down correctly spelled, everyone thought I'd end up being a paleontologist, not a health care practitioner/singer-musician-lyricist-composer/medical researcher. I still wonder if I should have pursued it.