I AM FUCKIN HUUUUUNG OVVER TODAY!!!!!!! Lastnight was my friend Paul's thirtyth b-day and man o man did it live up to the theme DIRTY THIRTY. We all got sooooo trashed. I got so drunk I actually danced
Anyone ever had Cristal? Well I had alot of it lastnight and that stuff tastes like ass! I dont see what the big fuckin deal is about that sht, I'd rather pay $13.00 and get some M&R that's hella bomb! I have way more of this story to tell but right now I need to sleep
Oh yeah I ment cristal like the champange that cost's a grip not crystal the emphetamine

Oh yeah I ment cristal like the champange that cost's a grip not crystal the emphetamine
i love that you need to get sleep at 1 in the afternoon!! It sounds like you had a fun night, though i'm bummed i didn't get to see you dance
Any word on BM?