So I went to great america again today and had a blast but the funniest part of the whole day was when my step brother YACKED after the demon
That's what happens when your up untill 0400 drinking the hard stuff, then only get three hours BWAHAHAHA man our whole group couldnt stop bustin up!
Well folks I gotta go, tonight is Halo 2 night at my friend Jay's house and I'll be there until the weeeeee hours of the morning. My Halo name for the night...... Stinky Camel Toe! Yep that way when I kill someone it will say you were killed by Stinky Camel Toe! The best Halo name I've seen yet was 2 Guys Fucking, yep I've been killed by 2 Guys Fucking
Man I wish I was doing that to some Vagina, lick lick lick

Well folks I gotta go, tonight is Halo 2 night at my friend Jay's house and I'll be there until the weeeeee hours of the morning. My Halo name for the night...... Stinky Camel Toe! Yep that way when I kill someone it will say you were killed by Stinky Camel Toe! The best Halo name I've seen yet was 2 Guys Fucking, yep I've been killed by 2 Guys Fucking


Man I wish I was doing that to some Vagina, lick lick lick

Yeah, Trex is totally ferocious. He could whip your "stinky camel toe" ass