Today I discovered my love for the game of poker
I killed the people I was playing against and won a pot of $45 which doesnt sound like alot but when everyone your playing against put's in 5 bucks and the new guy that's never played the game before and has only watched it on TV wins it all it makes people frown
Afterwards a massive game of volleyball between 12 people, and a kick ass BBQ that went on all day, man today was the best day that I've had in a long, long time
Also I discovered my love for camel cigarettes

Afterwards a massive game of volleyball between 12 people, and a kick ass BBQ that went on all day, man today was the best day that I've had in a long, long time

Also I discovered my love for camel cigarettes

I hope he has a good time.
It was a great party, though. But I'm still recovering...