Porn + a hard cock + KY warming gel = masturbation
I'm sooooo sore Hey why dont you come over and Ice my crotch hehehehe.
No I have a better idea you could put the ice in your mouth then ice my crotch.
Damnit I'm horney again, great now I gotta go and jack off again.
I'll be back
Sooo uh I'm still gonna need help with this

I'm sooooo sore Hey why dont you come over and Ice my crotch hehehehe.
No I have a better idea you could put the ice in your mouth then ice my crotch.
Damnit I'm horney again, great now I gotta go and jack off again.
I'll be back

Sooo uh I'm still gonna need help with this

I spent all day topless sunbathing.
You never even sucked on a lactating titty when you were a baby? Because I sure did. Not like I remember it or anything, but I was definitely breastfed. I attribute that to be the reason why I am so friggin' perfect. HaHa.... j/k.
Mmmmm. Chocolate syrup. Mmmmmm. Breasts.
(sigh) I think maybe I need some lovin'.