YAAAAAAAAWN, oh I'm so sleepy I can barley open my eyes. Why does work have to be sooo draining? Why do we even need to work? Why do we spend or lives working in buildings, dealing with stupid people that we pretend to like but will never see again? Why do we put on fake smiles, and laugh at dumb comments, for the sake of some company that doesnt care about us at all?
Why do I work my days away, waisting my youth and energy... for some lousy paycheck, to pay rent just to have it taken away from me again? Why can't I just shake this bad hump I've been going through Why is it so hard for me to be happy right now? Why do I feel like everything I do is never good enough, or that it will never matter in the large spectrum of life? Why do I wake up every morning and feel like it's all the same, and that nothing will ever change?
When will my big moment come? That one opportunity, that one instance, where your action in that exact moment in time will change the course of your life forever? Have I already missed mine? Was I not looking in the direction of that opportunity when it presented it's self, was I not paying attention? Am I just waisting my life doing what I'm doing?
Is it wrong to always put others before myself? Should I do the opposite from now on? Should I pack my bags and move somwhere else, Should I leave behind everything I know in hopes of finding my true home? Why is life so vauge? Why arn't we born with all the answers? I know that trial and error makes us who we are, I know that confussion is part of life, but sometimes, I just wish that I didnt have to deal with all the bullshit, and I could just enjoy everything worry free, and with no regrets.
Man I sure hope I kick this hump soon, I really hate feeling like this
Why do I work my days away, waisting my youth and energy... for some lousy paycheck, to pay rent just to have it taken away from me again? Why can't I just shake this bad hump I've been going through Why is it so hard for me to be happy right now? Why do I feel like everything I do is never good enough, or that it will never matter in the large spectrum of life? Why do I wake up every morning and feel like it's all the same, and that nothing will ever change?
When will my big moment come? That one opportunity, that one instance, where your action in that exact moment in time will change the course of your life forever? Have I already missed mine? Was I not looking in the direction of that opportunity when it presented it's self, was I not paying attention? Am I just waisting my life doing what I'm doing?
Is it wrong to always put others before myself? Should I do the opposite from now on? Should I pack my bags and move somwhere else, Should I leave behind everything I know in hopes of finding my true home? Why is life so vauge? Why arn't we born with all the answers? I know that trial and error makes us who we are, I know that confussion is part of life, but sometimes, I just wish that I didnt have to deal with all the bullshit, and I could just enjoy everything worry free, and with no regrets.
Man I sure hope I kick this hump soon, I really hate feeling like this

(sigh) Just a girl's foolish fancy. I know everyone gets more than one chane at love. I just need my second chance.
Sorry. I meant to write a nice comment attempting to cheer you up, but I have nothing cheerful to say.