Ahh! Mondays suck! Started work at 9am and did not leave for home until 8pm. At least I had a two hour lunch, but I had a lot of running around to do and it went by too quickly. I really have to remember to eat more. Oh well. Time to shmoke a ciggy and relax. Only 6 more days 'till next weekend... mad
Tomorrow is friday, yay! Last day of teaching for a while. I may actually get to sleep in more often! I have to work on saturday, but hey, you can't have it all. It's supposed to rain anyway. frown
Life ebbs and flows, passing me by as I stand between this world and the one of mine own making. Refuge I sought, not finding - so I made what I could from the shattered pieces of my soul. Here I am , a shadow figure. A mere reflection of what I may have become, of what I once was. What I thought I had...
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ya, we were all pretty drunk. She kisses everyone when she is drunk. It just hurt, it felt shady. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I am just trying to chill out about it. I don't hate them anymore, just don't trust them fully either.
In a relationship that is the most important thing-- if i can't trust them I can't really be me around them.
Well see what happens.
Ahh, another weekend reached, another saturday worked. Time to relax. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is out. Hope it reflects the genius of the novels. We'll have to see. "I can only understand as much as my mind can comprehend in its current condition, and its current condition is not good" wink
So how you doin sweetie? Have not herd from you in a while, you still even on this thing?
The weekend is over and work starts in a few hours. Shitty. But the weather has been great and patios with beer have soothed my soul. Went out on saturday night and got rock star drunk like the old days. Got some good food at the twenty-four hour chinese place after the bar and made it home just before sunrise. Hope everyone had a good...
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Ahh, MOTORHEAD was cool. The Venue sucked ass, but it was good to see Lemmy and the boys rock out. I couldn't have as much fun as I wanted because I had to work the next day, but hey, I gotta make the big bucks. It was easy not to stick around since the venue sucked. Most people headed off to catch last call at...
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Glad you had a good time Motorhead -- great show. I seen sevendust and skindred last night that was pretty fun as well wink

I wish the weather was nice here, it is cold and riany blackeyed
The countdown continues! Three days and two more sleeps until MOTORHEAD! I may have to do some priming tonight, if I ever get my work done! Damn horny animals! mad ARRR!!!
The count down begins! I got confirmation that I have been comped for the Motorhead show! In one week, I'll be bangin' my head to the sounds of Lemmy and the gang! I've been so busy, I almost forgot about the gig. I'm embarrassed to admit that. How do you forget about Motorhead? Killed by Death, Eat the Rich, Built for Speed, Ace of Spades,...
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I seen MOTORHEAD like 2-3 weeks ago, it took me a week to get back to regular. Tooo much of a good fucking time. I am jealous... you will have a great time!
You too, don't do anything I wouldn't do! wink
Sunday. Well, my neck still hurts a bit, but my work is not going to do itself. I guess I should get a move on. The weather is getting good, so I will be starting to train for a bike trip this summer. Well, I will if I ever get caught up on the work I have to do. I guess I should really learn...
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I've been so busy lately and it just doesn't look like I'll get all the work done on time. For a while there, I actually felt like I was on top of it, then it all went to hell. On top of that, I woke up this morning and my neck was killing me. In fact it still is. Each time I think it's subsiding,...
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This weekend was not very exciting for me as well. I tried to rent DVD and no good movies were out. Blade Trinity comes out soon I would like to see that, I like Blade movies alot.
I should be studying but I can not seem to focus on it.
And my head feels like shit. Sorry about your neck, did you sleep on it wrong? I have done that and it sucks!! I also was vacuming out my car and pulled some muscle in my back that was a hellish experience! I hate getting old!!