Ahhh, the weekend is here! Time to go out and get trashed! Well, we'll see about the trashed part ARRR!!! . Off to check out a band and maybe shoot some pool. Hope everyone else has a great weekend! I've been looking forward to this all week! wink
Damnable furnaces! Of course it has to die in winter. Good thing it has been warm lately. I dread the cold. I like it HOT. Well, $400 and a new motor later, the heat is on. Of course, I had to put my life on hold and wait for the service guy to show up. And wouldn't you know it, they show up after 5pm,...
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Sorry it has taken me so long, but thank you very much for your compliment on my newest set! kiss kiss kiss kiss
Ahh, another week started. A bout of insomnia, a busy start to the week and a killer friday planned at the local newfie bar. Hope all is well out in SG land. Not that I have many friends to read this message. the life of a lurker is a lonely one... Like a pirate, I swoop in, leave a comment or two, and disappear back...
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Lazy sundays... not quite. Time to be domestic. My place is a mess and in desperate need of loving attention. Coffee, once again, shall be my salvation and my eventual downfall in this endeavor... ARRR!!!
MWAH! thankyou! kiss
Thanks for your supersweet comment on my set!!
It made my day smile And if you ever need coffee in the UK- I'm your gal!
I think I drank too much coffee to get through the day. Oh well. We'll see what happens. I am no stranger to sleepless nights. I think I'll haunt my house for a while, maybe drink a beer and then go to bed... ARRR!!!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my new set kiss
Man, I was so bagged last night that I went to bed before 8pm! What a lazy bastard! The worst thing is that I'm still tired today! Well, work waits for no-one, so I should get off my lazy ass and get something done today. mad
Wonky weather and work make for a normal monday...
Thank You ..Tomorrow is tuesday should be alittle better.
Weekends almost over. Beer to unwind before work starts again. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set.
The weekend has arrived and work shall be put on the back-burner, regardless of how far behind I am. A relaxing drive, a visit with the family, and then back to work. Hopefully, electronics will be back on my side by next week...
Good Luck with all of that and thank you for the compliments! kiss
What a shitty day.

Electronics hate me, the world conspires to lay me low. I fight on - even if my hair is not as cool as it is in my profile pic. The afro is taking over - slowly but surely....
thanks for your sweet comment on my set!
i'm sorry you're having a bad day. but your hair is fucking awesome in your profile pic, so it evens out.