B-day weekend fast approaching ARRR!!! . Gotta figure out what to do... Drinking and debauchery to follow is the norm. Drinks at the pub, maybe some dancing to follow.

Ahhh, the thought of beer gives me fuzzy feelings inside... Hhhhmmmmm beer.

Now all I have to do is pick a location...
Well, I met up with two of my best girls tonight and had an awesome time! I miss my girls! Thank GOd they have been coming back to Canada!

So, what would my two friends like to know, or to see on my profile page? Let me know and I'll see if i can deliver... We'll see... ARRR!!!
OMG, things are getting busier for me at work and I am already so behind the 8ball, especially since it is tax season. gotta get my tax stuff done! Hope everyone is having fun this weekend! ARRR!!!
that is sooooooooooooo me.. wink miao!!
Not a bad weekend. Witnessed the last night of a pivotal club in town and will miss it sorely. Can't wait for the opening of the new location to see what they do with the space and to see a weeks worth of free shows! Hope everyone had a good weekend! ARRR!!!
A good friend is in town tonight, so beer is on the agenda. Last night i was out for a bit after work with some friends who I don't see often enough. Too bad I had to work this morning, they were still going when I had to leave... ARRR!!!
Thanks for the coment on my set! kiss

Hope you had a fun night!
As if life couldn't take a break from throwing me curve balls. It was a mad dash to get someone to fill in for my helper bee for my volunteer work tonight. Thank God someone could help out or I woulda been SOL. This whole week has been a crazy time. I seem to cause myself more problems than I need. Intentions are good, but...
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What a week. No time for love Dr. Jones! A lot to do, but I have no inclination to do any of it. Tax season is fast approaching, and I need to get on the ball. Won't be around for a while - not that anyone will notice... ARRR!!!
i have to get my taxes done to.. smile
V-day. Yippykayay muther fuckers... ARRR!!!
Ahhh, monday is almost over. Only a couple more hours until my day is done. I'll be free at 9:30pm. Run home, eat a bite, and off again until that time. Have fun in interweb land! ARRR!!!
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Happy Valentines Day!
kiss biggrin
Well, I guess trying to join private groups to get more involved and make some friends doesn't work unless U post more and in varied areas of the site. Can't say I am surprised. Well, my 10am to 10pm busy life will have to get reworked if I want to get involved here. I guess I am an introvert on the interweb. Doesn't pay to...
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Thank you so much for your comment on my set!!
kiss kiss kiss