Life ebbs and flows, passing me by as I stand between this world and the one of mine own making. Refuge I sought, not finding - so I made what I could from the shattered pieces of my soul. Here I am , a shadow figure. A mere reflection of what I may have become, of what I once was. What I thought I had lost was only hidden from view, obscured by my mind. Too young I was when I dealt in matters that only a sage should. I did not know. I was but a child. Ignorance, unfortunately, is no excuse. And now I lurk, a shadow seen by others, passed by without a glance. If there is redemption, a chance to be whole again, I cannot see it. Maybe I hide it from myself - again.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 10, 2006
Ahhh, the weekend is here! Time to go out and get trashed! Well, we… -
Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
Damnable furnaces! Of course it has to die in winter. Good thing it… -
Tuesday Feb 07, 2006
Ahh, another week started. A bout of insomnia, a busy start to the w… -
Sunday Jan 29, 2006
Lazy sundays... not quite. Time to be domestic. My place is a mess … -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
I think I drank too much coffee to get through the day. Oh well. We… -
Tuesday Jan 24, 2006
Man, I was so bagged last night that I went to bed before 8pm! What … -
Monday Jan 23, 2006
Wonky weather and work make for a normal monday... -
Sunday Jan 22, 2006
Weekends almost over. Beer to unwind before work starts again. Hope… -
Friday Jan 20, 2006
The weekend has arrived and work shall be put on the back-burner, reg… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
What a shitty day. Electronics hate me, the world conspires to lay…
In a relationship that is the most important thing-- if i can't trust them I can't really be me around them.
Well see what happens.