Life ebbs and flows, passing me by as I stand between this world and the one of mine own making. Refuge I sought, not finding - so I made what I could from the shattered pieces of my soul. Here I am , a shadow figure. A mere reflection of what I may have become, of what I once was. What I thought I had lost was only hidden from view, obscured by my mind. Too young I was when I dealt in matters that only a sage should. I did not know. I was but a child. Ignorance, unfortunately, is no excuse. And now I lurk, a shadow seen by others, passed by without a glance. If there is redemption, a chance to be whole again, I cannot see it. Maybe I hide it from myself - again.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 05, 2006
B-day weekend fast approaching . Gotta figure out what to do... Dri… -
Friday Mar 03, 2006
Well, I met up with two of my best girls tonight and had an awesome t… -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
OMG, things are getting busier for me at work and I am already so beh… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
Not a bad weekend. Witnessed the last night of a pivotal club in tow… -
Saturday Feb 25, 2006
A good friend is in town tonight, so beer is on the agenda. Last nig… -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
As if life couldn't take a break from throwing me curve balls. It wa… -
Thursday Feb 23, 2006
What a week. No time for love Dr. Jones! A lot to do, but I have no… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
V-day. Yippykayay muther fuckers... -
Monday Feb 13, 2006
Ahhh, monday is almost over. Only a couple more hours until my day i… -
Sunday Feb 12, 2006
Well, I guess trying to join private groups to get more involved and …
In a relationship that is the most important thing-- if i can't trust them I can't really be me around them.
Well see what happens.