The count down begins! I got confirmation that I have been comped for the Motorhead show! In one week, I'll be bangin' my head to the sounds of Lemmy and the gang! I've been so busy, I almost forgot about the gig. I'm embarrassed to admit that. How do you forget about Motorhead? Killed by Death, Eat the Rich, Built for Speed, Ace of Spades, The Chase is Better Than the Catch, and of course, Love me Like a Reptile. Almost makes the business seem worth it. Feel sorry for those that I work with the day after, but hey, it has to be done and I don't work 'till the next night.

I seen MOTORHEAD like 2-3 weeks ago, it took me a week to get back to regular. Tooo much of a good fucking time. I am jealous... you will have a great time!
You too, don't do anything I wouldn't do!