Ahhh, finished work today and the evening calls for beers with a friend. I don't have to go in to work tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to sleeping in. It is at these moments that life does not seem so bad
. The weather is warming up, I get to go on a mini vacation in a week, and my other work is done when I want to do it, be it 8am or 12am. I like that flexibility. That way I work when I have the motivation. Of course there is a deadline, but that is still far enough in the future that I do not have to worry about it. I think I'll veg out on the couch for a while before hittin' the road. Can't wait for summer to finally be here. I hate winer.

Ahh, beer and summer, two things that go hand in hand... i am really looking forward to summer..Big plans for lots of drinking!!!