I'm so tired of this gaaaame. The overtime is nice, don't get me wrong. I don't get paid all that much to start, so the extra hours are very helpful to try and dig myself out of this massive debt hole
Last check was $550 and the one after that was $600. Would be awesome to actually be able to use that money, but alas as it is all practically already spent and I just got paid TODAY! -POOF- Just like that.
What ya gunna do?
I don't really get to do much other then eat/sleep/work these last two or so weeks. I'm glad I have a roommate who's usually happy to see me when I get home and a pretty good friend I made at work to hang with for nights I'm too tired to drag my ass home from work.
On another note, my birfday's coming in mid-May. I'm trying to think of what to do, who to invite. I usually never do ANYTHING for my b-day and it always ends up being a total wash, which wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't have to spend every penny of b-day money I get on bills...for the past 7 years
So this year I say lightheartedly, "Fuck it" I would love to do something fun that most everybody can enjoy. Disney? Everybody loves Disney, am I right? I dunno. I got a long time to think about it and it's really not high priority on my list of to-do at the moment.
Hm, well... That's all for now I guess.

What ya gunna do?
I don't really get to do much other then eat/sleep/work these last two or so weeks. I'm glad I have a roommate who's usually happy to see me when I get home and a pretty good friend I made at work to hang with for nights I'm too tired to drag my ass home from work.
On another note, my birfday's coming in mid-May. I'm trying to think of what to do, who to invite. I usually never do ANYTHING for my b-day and it always ends up being a total wash, which wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't have to spend every penny of b-day money I get on bills...for the past 7 years

Hm, well... That's all for now I guess.
you should plan something for your birthday if nothing else just plan a little party or something... screws bills and stuff make sure you have some fun :o)
Gladly! When are you freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?