Free reactivation? Uhm. OK. Probably will make very little use of this.
Toolin around on Hulu super early this morning (didn't sleep til like 8:30 in the AM :p), and I came across Confessions of a Superhero. It's a pretty amazing documentary to be honest. I see these people at least once a month and never thought twice. It's pretty amazing what qualities people have in them when one just bothers to look. Next time I'm...
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They're my internet-pervin' glasses. SEND ME YOUR WEBCAMS, LITTLE BOY.
Free 3 month activations, anybody? Weird marketing technique
Hi again, folks.

Hey, I know you.
Hey there. How're you?
B-day's coming up next week I think... Way behind on making any plans at all. It may end up boiling down to just a hang out and a few people.
I've been considering moving to RI. My bestest friend is living out there now and needs a roommate. The only question left for myself really is what is there for me out there? The atmosphere...
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I've been considering moving to RI. My bestest friend is living out there now and needs a roommate. The only question left for myself really is what is there for me out there? The atmosphere...
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I'm a zombie wrangler!
Is that a good thing or a bad thing, eh? 

So a friend of mine from college back east back out to visit not too long ago. We didn't get to hang all that much but did what we had lined up as our goal for her visit; we got on the Price is Right! No, no. Not to actually compete on the show itself (which we were hoping for), but we're in the audience....
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I'm so tired of this gaaaame. The overtime is nice, don't get me wrong. I don't get paid all that much to start, so the extra hours are very helpful to try and dig myself out of this massive debt hole
Last check was $550 and the one after that was $600. Would be awesome to actually be able to use that money, but alas...
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you should plan something for your birthday if nothing else just plan a little party or something... screws bills and stuff make sure you have some fun :o)
Gladly! When are you freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Hello. How're you?

Mmmm, braaaains.
Mustard? I want Mustard's
So Burnout Paradise for the 360 is like one of the most funnest games ever.
Also, fucking Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii is out in less then 2 weeks!!! Many of you, any who even read this anymore, don't know that I'm way into the previous iteration of the game, Melee. We play it at work about every day at lunch and 15...
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Also, fucking Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii is out in less then 2 weeks!!! Many of you, any who even read this anymore, don't know that I'm way into the previous iteration of the game, Melee. We play it at work about every day at lunch and 15...
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yeah they might have mandatory overtime at my work again soon, im really not looking forward to it either. i got the job mainly because its 8 to 5 no weekends or holidays.
so how is life out in california?
so how is life out in california?
You're the master of somethin alright, though I'm not sure if it's comments....
How you been?!

How you been?!
How was your weekend?
Mine was okay.
WTB home 4 <3.
Already late for work. Time to head out. Castlevania for the DS is super fun.
Mine was okay.
WTB home 4 <3.
Already late for work. Time to head out. Castlevania for the DS is super fun.
I no longer got da greys
Hi folks.
