Yippy!!! I just posted bits of my last rejected set up in the suicide girls hopefuls group for all of you that I know are just dieing to see me naked!
I loved this set and I hope all of you will too! Let me know what you think of it. As you can tell by my last entry I kind of need to here people say good things about me right now!
I wish everything was as simple as getting down and dirty with paint in the bathtub!!! I will say though that I was filthy after that set and had to spend another 30. min in the tub, cleaning it and me!!!
And if any of you are wondering the marker on my chest is the signature of the BEAUTIFUL Kristy of the most WONDERFUL punk band Love Muffin. (she plays Bass) Hope you guys enjoy!!!!!!!
and now you're my friend
Try again with the SG thing, but even if you don't make it you can always just post nudie pics for fun *giggle*
What a doll you are!
You're so cutie!
Thanks for adding me!