If you haven't yet, vote for my puppy. Vote here!
I might have a 2nd job at the library. If all goes well. Cross your fingers for me.
RollerDerby is going well. Enjoying the shit out of it
If that link doesn't pop up as a german shepard laying in the grass, you've already voted so don't vote on whatever pic they give you.
Bla bla bla, why was there bacon in the soap?
I might have a 2nd job at the library. If all goes well. Cross your fingers for me.
RollerDerby is going well. Enjoying the shit out of it
If that link doesn't pop up as a german shepard laying in the grass, you've already voted so don't vote on whatever pic they give you.
Bla bla bla, why was there bacon in the soap?
roller derby? tell me more.