So I'm heavily addicted to time. Or can we say that I have an obsession about it?
I hate that I can't control it and that it seems there is never ever enough.
When I sleep and happen to wake up for a few moments in the night, I must know the time. If there is no clock in the room I have to get out of bed to search for one, so I can know the time, so I can go back to sleep.
In the day I count the hours all the while complaining: Oh no, it's already eleven - Oh Damn it's already 2 - What the hell? 5:30?!!
What are the antedotes, the cures, to slow it down? To at least be at peace with it?
I hate that I can't control it and that it seems there is never ever enough.
When I sleep and happen to wake up for a few moments in the night, I must know the time. If there is no clock in the room I have to get out of bed to search for one, so I can know the time, so I can go back to sleep.
In the day I count the hours all the while complaining: Oh no, it's already eleven - Oh Damn it's already 2 - What the hell? 5:30?!!
What are the antedotes, the cures, to slow it down? To at least be at peace with it?
I'll start reading something and 3-4 hours have past and I don't think I got very far. Let's not mention what I've actually managed to retain. I would suspect A.D.D., but standardize testing seems to prove otherwise. Fuck! Apart of me is seriously thinking of taking the bar exam with just a month or two to study for it. Kind of like, alright let's see where is the cap on this thing.