Just got back from seeing TOOL. My god what a fantastic show. Its been four years sense the last time I saw them and it was well worth the wait. i got floor seating, and I was the seat right next to the sound stage. So I got the sound, and was able to stand in the aisle with hardly anyone in the way. Got to see the whole stage, and the visuals. They played alot off of 10,000 Days, some songs off of Lateralus, and Aenima. Although to my discontent they did not play Third Eye or Flood. It was a long shot I know, and I didnt really think they would, but a person can dream. And that is what it all feels like now. A childhood dream you never wanted to wake up from, so that you didnt have to face reality. I feel empty now, as if I have nothing else to accomplsih, like I always do after a really good show.