I can't sleep
its sooo hot out, and I'm covered in vaseline (any tips on how to get it off for future reference?) from dying my hair. I smeared it all over my face, neck, and ears so the dye wouldent stain like it always does.
Well, I'm the same as always I guess, nothing special to add. Id upload some pictures of my recent adventures, but I'm not in the mood to resize them.
Me and Brandon are doing well, which is nice because I'm not usually happy when I'm in a commited relationship. If this dosent work out, I think I may give up guys for awhile and find a nice punk girl
Well, I'm the same as always I guess, nothing special to add. Id upload some pictures of my recent adventures, but I'm not in the mood to resize them.
Me and Brandon are doing well, which is nice because I'm not usually happy when I'm in a commited relationship. If this dosent work out, I think I may give up guys for awhile and find a nice punk girl
try using nail polish remover to get rid of vaseline... or skip the vaseline and use nailpolish remover to take the dye of your head/face. that's what i always do and it works like a charm.
when my entire head was red i would re-dye it at least every 1.5-2 weeks so it would stay nice and vibrant. and then i would just bleach my roots about once a month. but yeah, it stained everything. it's nice not having to scrub the bathtub anymore. but i always used nail polish remover whenever i would get some on my skin, it came right off.
tingley's is on dundonald... right on the corner of smythe where the super store is. it's right next to jumbo video.