so last night was fun.
it was our last "horrah" for a while. we're all running out of money.
we're poor college students!
me, lana, kristina and lindsey went to the bar last night. now let me tell you about this bar. it's great. on monday's, draughts are a quarter. and we're not talking shit like keystones best or whatever. they have ying, bud lite, miller lite, and all that. for a quarter! and mixed drinks are $1.25. but the downfall is... there's locals. now up here, it is so back-woods. creepy, in-bred locals!
but we went out. lindsey was drunk in an hour and making out with a local named skunk. (skunk?!
) and skunk's friends were all over me, lana and kristina. whatever. we got some drinks out of it.
the best part was later, after i ran out of money. (i only took $6.) i walked up to some guy and told him that he owed me a drink. so he bought me a drink. and another... and another. i got about 4 mixed and a shot out of him. (shots are also $1.25.) lindsey and lana also spent $10 of his!
jeff (the bartender/owner) told the guys that we were hanging out with that they were gonna go broke trying to get us drunk cuz we have a high tolerance level. (or something like that... it gets a little fuzzy!
but this guy fucking bit me! he was all grinding up on me. i'm trying not to laugh... i'm not even acknowledging him at this point... but i let him go if it would mean free drinks. (i'm now officially a bar whore!) but he just leaned over and bit me on the shoulder!
we left at last call, but stood around in the parking lot for another hour while lindsey made out with skunk some more. i started yelling at her that we were going to leave. skunk's one friend siv was passed out in the driver's seat of skunk's car. that was funny.
then we got back to campus and sat outside for another hour bullshitting. with security no less. i got sick tho.
that wasn't fun. it tasted like cherry pizza. (cherry vodka and pepsi was my drink for the night.) we got back up and we all passed out.
it was fun!
it was our last "horrah" for a while. we're all running out of money.

me, lana, kristina and lindsey went to the bar last night. now let me tell you about this bar. it's great. on monday's, draughts are a quarter. and we're not talking shit like keystones best or whatever. they have ying, bud lite, miller lite, and all that. for a quarter! and mixed drinks are $1.25. but the downfall is... there's locals. now up here, it is so back-woods. creepy, in-bred locals!
but we went out. lindsey was drunk in an hour and making out with a local named skunk. (skunk?!

the best part was later, after i ran out of money. (i only took $6.) i walked up to some guy and told him that he owed me a drink. so he bought me a drink. and another... and another. i got about 4 mixed and a shot out of him. (shots are also $1.25.) lindsey and lana also spent $10 of his!

but this guy fucking bit me! he was all grinding up on me. i'm trying not to laugh... i'm not even acknowledging him at this point... but i let him go if it would mean free drinks. (i'm now officially a bar whore!) but he just leaned over and bit me on the shoulder!
we left at last call, but stood around in the parking lot for another hour while lindsey made out with skunk some more. i started yelling at her that we were going to leave. skunk's one friend siv was passed out in the driver's seat of skunk's car. that was funny.
then we got back to campus and sat outside for another hour bullshitting. with security no less. i got sick tho.

it was fun!

dont worry bout the call. you probably owe me a few hundred anyway. considering how often id call you while hammered. besides it was nice to hear from ya. glad to hear you had a good time. ttyl

remember alkys go to meetings drunks go to bars. you better learn this one. youre well on your way to becoming one.