Thank you everyone for the Happiness!
I did pretty well for my birthday... Benny got me a diamond star necklace. (I <3 stars.) I got a lot of movies. Including Ed Wood and Pink Floyd The Wall and From Hell... and some others.
I'm going to get my birthday present for myself tomorrow. A new tattoo. I'm getting the heart on my back re-colored and having a butterfly added on to it. (Backstory: I got the heart on my 18th birthday. I think there may be a pic in it in my pix folder.)
Back to school on Wednesday. Not too excited over that. I hate moving in. My mommy did get me a lot of stuff for school. Including a kick-ass black "Moon Chair." It's soft and black and looks like it's from the 70's. I got a sparkle-y storage thingie with 3 drawers today, too. I <3 it. I mean, it's PINK and it SPARKLES. What's not to love?!
I can't wait until I can dye my hair. I got Manic Panic HOT LAVA dye, but then my stupid cousin decided to get a stupid picture taken of all the stupid grandkids for my grandparent's stupid Xmas gift. So that means I had to color my hair brown. I hate brown. It's so dull. I hate boring hair.
I think that's about it for now.
I did pretty well for my birthday... Benny got me a diamond star necklace. (I <3 stars.) I got a lot of movies. Including Ed Wood and Pink Floyd The Wall and From Hell... and some others.
I'm going to get my birthday present for myself tomorrow. A new tattoo. I'm getting the heart on my back re-colored and having a butterfly added on to it. (Backstory: I got the heart on my 18th birthday. I think there may be a pic in it in my pix folder.)
Back to school on Wednesday. Not too excited over that. I hate moving in. My mommy did get me a lot of stuff for school. Including a kick-ass black "Moon Chair." It's soft and black and looks like it's from the 70's. I got a sparkle-y storage thingie with 3 drawers today, too. I <3 it. I mean, it's PINK and it SPARKLES. What's not to love?!
I can't wait until I can dye my hair. I got Manic Panic HOT LAVA dye, but then my stupid cousin decided to get a stupid picture taken of all the stupid grandkids for my grandparent's stupid Xmas gift. So that means I had to color my hair brown. I hate brown. It's so dull. I hate boring hair.
I think that's about it for now.