Well, for all of you who don't know, I don't have my driver's license yet. So I have my permit and everything. Today was my first driving lesson. It's with my old teacher from middle school. It was...interesting to say the least. He took me to my old high school parking lot to practice turning, then we went to the elementary school to practice backing up. I hit a curb. Not hard though, just enough to bump. Then he actually made me DRIVE!
It was just bad. I think the highest speed I hit was like...20 mph. I eventually got up to 40 towards the end of the lesson. I almost hit a fuckin' squirrel! I wasn't going that fast, so I missed it. I just felt bad when I'd look in the mirror and see like five cars lined up behind me. O well, they went through the same thing, right? I also ran off the road a bit. It was a low shoulder, so I made some nice noises! I also need to slow down before I make turns at an intersection...LOL! But I didn't wreck, that's the main thing!
"Don't take life too seriously." Brett Kenan

"Don't take life too seriously." Brett Kenan
if the people are dumb enough to be in the way then fuck 'em
Always remeber to carry a big gun in the car with you. Shoot everyone you see and you won't have to worry about wrecking the car or you (or anyone for that matter) hitting squirrels.