ok. i want to tell everyone about my scary night and why alcohol is bad!
my girls and i went out saturday night. we went to dinner and i had a fuzzy navel and a vodka and coke.
we then went to the local bar and between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. i had consumed the following 4 cherry vodka and pepsi's and 5 or 6 kamikazis . i then came back to the room and drank 3 beers in about 45 minutes.
this was followed by me puking everything back up. benny had to come down from pittsburgh to take care of me cuz lana went back out and kristina was asleep on the couch. i was even puking up blood.
i went in and out of consciousness untill passing out around 6 a.m.
i woke up on sunday with a wicked hang-over.
this is the part that scared me: i spent all day yesterday puking just about every hour and having dry heaves every 10-20 minutes. i couldn't keep anything down. i tried bread and water all day. puked it all up.
now tody i'm still queasy. my stomach hurts so bad from throwing up. my throat and mouth are rough from the stomach acid. my chest hurts from leaning on the toilet.
i'm afraid to eat anything in case i'll get sick again. i missed 2 of my morning classes and i think i'm going to call off work. i'm exhausted.
my girls and i went out saturday night. we went to dinner and i had a fuzzy navel and a vodka and coke.
we then went to the local bar and between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. i had consumed the following 4 cherry vodka and pepsi's and 5 or 6 kamikazis . i then came back to the room and drank 3 beers in about 45 minutes.
this was followed by me puking everything back up. benny had to come down from pittsburgh to take care of me cuz lana went back out and kristina was asleep on the couch. i was even puking up blood.
i went in and out of consciousness untill passing out around 6 a.m.
i woke up on sunday with a wicked hang-over.
this is the part that scared me: i spent all day yesterday puking just about every hour and having dry heaves every 10-20 minutes. i couldn't keep anything down. i tried bread and water all day. puked it all up.
now tody i'm still queasy. my stomach hurts so bad from throwing up. my throat and mouth are rough from the stomach acid. my chest hurts from leaning on the toilet.
i'm afraid to eat anything in case i'll get sick again. i missed 2 of my morning classes and i think i'm going to call off work. i'm exhausted.

Hope you're better now!
and hello.