So, there I am standing around at Disneyland. People are looking at me funny. People are waving at me. People are there just being people. I say, Fuck, I dont know how I would take it if I were famous. Well, at least then people would want to see me and not run into me and giggle.

I get on a ride or two. And...
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i love travis not that hes famous but he is the best damn drummer ever born. my cousins used to kick it with him before he got all famous but i really would love to sit there in front of him playing. this girl i know gets drum lessons from him and i wanted to but im getting them from one of my friends from sugarcult instead! its a good thig you did leave him alone, besides i bet alot of people noticed him with his full sleeved tats and peircings! i hate how girls are so star struck and run up to famous people i casually walk by them if they seem cool then i say "hi" and walk passed. love
famous people make me nervous. people are people, um why not.!?. i've never been to disneyland, you ride the tea cup ride? smile its not sissy i swear.
Ive re-fallen in love with Fire. I dont know what it is about a flame. But it just works my heart and gets me wanting to do things. Good and bad things. I havent felt this way in years. Last tyme I felt a desire to burn I was just a brat lighting matches behind my apartment building. Now, no one can tell me to...
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"Port Hueneme! ... What's there to do man? I mean you live there... what's keeping you there?"

weLL, there ain't shit to do here except go to the beach.
when it comes to nightLife, i drive down to satan monica, hoLLyworst, or up to santa babyLon...

i moved back here from humboLdt county to paint and remodeL my mom's house, and pay off some biLLs. i'LL probabLy move to canada, japan, or taiwan this summer...

no teefers is underrated. smile
*sings* My father, son, my holy ghost. You know the things I've missed the most. God let me do it all again. Let me give you back these wings. I'll trade them for the little things. ~A. Echo

I need to dance. Give me something to dance to. New work is going to be done on my arm soon. The art is going to be...
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What's a rock boy to do when the rockin' has stopped? Does he fade away and fall to the fashion at hand? Or does he rise up and dance to a different beat? Why is it so fuckin cold in CA? It shouldn't be this cold!
*Sings* Christmas tyme has come
toys for everyone

Im dreading having to go to Disneyland today. I'm crossing my fingers that the rain cleared up the park of any tourist. I need to pick me up some Nightmare Before Christmas gifts. I have my eye on a deck of Nightmare playing cards. I just might pick up two. Lord knows someone is ganna try and...
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Are we ever truly alone? How far can too far go when its down the street? Is it free when someone bought it for you? I really need to get out of the house. Ive been spending way too much tyme drinking this Gypsy tea and playing my pawn shop guitar. The tea is good... but I feel like Im spiraling into a Kurtian afterworld....
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Well I still haven't gotten my knee pictures developed. But I will get them done soon. I promise.

It was my ex who suggested the name but when I heard it I did think of the pumpkins.

smile thanks for your nice words.
What is there to do when there is nothing to be done? A band that I hold sacred has a newly built altar by children with no hearts. Kept for fashion... There really isnt much that can be done except for cry and kick at these kids that claim to share the same prayers. But what good will that do? It feels so good to...
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Korean Fried Cat eh? Yuck. lol. Well, my car is up and running thanks to my fill in dad. lol

And surgery is done. My knee is sore. And the pain killers depress me. But I'm fine.
Two days... F-U-N does not spell FLU. I lost two days of work due to this nasty virus. I spent most of my tyme playing the Haunted Mansion video game on PS2. And my recovery day was spent searching for the perfect guitar. Damn near found it... but my money tree bears no fruit. Tuff titty, eh? Fuck it. My tyme will come. And when...
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Well, no I have not been puking but I will make sure to stay away from huts with animals and I'll make sure to stay clear from the old wise men. smile

Oh, and I hope you feel better.
Hope you feel better! smile
Signaled-four track home demo...
Four songs tracked. One song in the CAN three songs in the VAULT. Awaiting final structure. Then the live tracking.

I need a new guitar! I cant work with this pawn shop guitar that Ive had since I was fifteen. Its practically falling apart on me. I mean, it sounds great for those falling apart sounds I need for the tracks...but...
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Well, if you rock and read JTHM, you can't be all bad. I'll call you ticktock jr. tongue
Y'don't like "junior"? OK, I'm flexible. How about "gubbins"? wink
Its past this rock-boys bed tyme. I hear my bed singing me an unknown tune... I think it's about love or the loss of. It rained ash today. The fires have taken over and it felt like Christmas. I spent the day with a good friend by the name of Mark. He was my drummer and only friend in my last band, Speakeasy. Its nice...
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get the star.. get the star... *drool* wink that'd be so hot.
man i feel you , i hate it when you can already predict that anybody you meet that you might be even slightly interested in is gonna be down for yr friend. it sux it sux. well i hope you have gotten some sleep since yr last journal entry. its been a while, where yve been? smile