Ive re-fallen in love with Fire. I dont know what it is about a flame. But it just works my heart and gets me wanting to do things. Good and bad things. I havent felt this way in years. Last tyme I felt a desire to burn I was just a brat lighting matches behind my apartment building. Now, no one can tell me to stop. Or to not jump over it. Not to throw clothes or the phone book in the pit. These are the tymes Im glad Im not a kid anymore.
weLL, there ain't shit to do here except go to the beach.
when it comes to nightLife, i drive down to satan monica, hoLLyworst, or up to santa babyLon...
i moved back here from humboLdt county to paint and remodeL my mom's house, and pay off some biLLs. i'LL probabLy move to canada, japan, or taiwan this summer...