Are we ever truly alone? How far can too far go when its down the street? Is it free when someone bought it for you? I really need to get out of the house. Ive been spending way too much tyme drinking this Gypsy tea and playing my pawn shop guitar. The tea is good... but I feel like Im spiraling into a Kurtian afterworld. I caught myself singing into a mic-stand with no mic... wearing a red and black striped home made sweater. I hear some of you kids are going out and having fun. I want to have fun too! Someone take me out to the ball game! Take me out for some beer and cracker jacks! Hell, lets make a day out of just taking your overdue library books back! *Sings* Are you my fuckin five for sure?

It was my ex who suggested the name but when I heard it I did think of the pumpkins.