Its past this rock-boys bed tyme. I hear my bed singing me an unknown tune... I think it's about love or the loss of. It rained ash today. The fires have taken over and it felt like Christmas. I spent the day with a good friend by the name of Mark. He was my drummer and only friend in my last band, Speakeasy. Its nice to know he still loves me and even enjoys the songs I am now writing and recording on my own. We made a deal that when Im done with my screams he would come in and drum for my songs. I'll be forever in his debt if I can whip up four songs and track his drums by the 6th of November. Mark and I spent the nite drinking coffee and tea. We ended up at this coffee shop I used to hang out at 24-7. The shop is a local coyote ugly. All the girls that work there have nothing to be ashamed of. All new faces tonite. I ran into one old face...but that is nothing worth talking about. We did meet three girls. All very sweet. I think I have a small crush on one of them... but I have a crush on the world. For a while Mark and I thought this one gal liked me. But word from one of the girls said; so my two other friends are fighting on who is ganna get who. They really like you. Her voice was directed at me... but then Mark said, what? She turned to him, Yeah. They were really shy about coming up to you. They think your hot stuff. Nothing new to me. I mean... He is a good-looking guy. Im just a punk with eyeliner and a pet cat that holds my tongue at all the right tymes. So here I am. At home. Working on my solo deal. Waiting for the sun to come up and for my eyelids to come down.

get the star.. get the star... *drool*
that'd be so hot.

man i feel you , i hate it when you can already predict that anybody you meet that you might be even slightly interested in is gonna be down for yr friend. it sux it sux. well i hope you have gotten some sleep since yr last journal entry. its been a while, where yve been?