*in a whisper only a fresh lit match could hear* I've never done this before... Will it hurt in the morning? I've been spending my tyme in the sun making money and my tyme in the nite making up for my whispers lost. It won't be long till you will all hear my screams. Fuck, it's been so long since I've screamed. I hate Speakeasy for taking that from me. *feels a spook* Did I just hear the my favorite song on the radio skip? Is that even fucking possible? *still in a whisper* Has anyone gone to the Nitemare Hunted Mansion this year at Disneyland? My mother is always naggin me, "So, you paying rent there? None of the ghost have anything to say about you eating all there food? Oh wait, your vegan. Do souls have faces?"

it was you who did the cover of communion, right?
that had to have been my favourite on the tribute cd