Sipping rum is for sipping. Thats my lesson for today. I love rum. I swear I was a pirate in my past life. Forget about being a king or martyer.. or how ever you spell it. I was a mother fuckin priate. Arrrr ARRR!!! I've come to steal your booty! Arrrr ARRR!!!
Hey cutie! Just wanted to say hi and see how you are? wink kiss
rum usually ends up in me puke
*Sings* I went to a party last Saturday nite, I didnt get laid, I got in a fight... uh huh, it aint no big thang!

Yea, I went to a party and I found a band. I am now in an all girl rock band. Yea, thats right. Im a boy in an all girl band! Dont make me go kitty on you. So far...
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Photos from the loves of my rock-life are up on Nirto now. Im really bummed that I wasnt asked to watch or even put a finger on the record. But what can you do? Im a nobody. Im only a friend. Im only a rock-boy with the intension to rule the world some day.

Spent Friday nite at B-13. Found out people there dont like...
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haha. green day.
not really so much into green day.
whose my god?
refer to fave bands...too many to count...
A temper tantrum flew over me today while listening to Disorder. My mother walked in on me while I was pretending to be Ian. Well, it wasnt like I was really trying to be like him. I was just imagining how he would have moved during a show when he sang the song.

I do that alot. Most of the bands and people I love...
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i'll have to check out the wallace book. and i think i'm about due to read the complete works again. it's the only reading material i can read over and over.
yeah i sure do miss the pumpkins. i never really listened to zwan though. so i dont know.
And she turned around and took me by the hand and said,
I've lost control again.
And how I'll never know just why or understand,
She said I've lost control again.
The weekend was filled with fast action anger and disapointment. I worked at a new gash for my music and witnessed something I could of lived without seeing. The fire licks high tonite.
Hmm, I've stayed away from blonde in general in the past. I'm a fan of darker hair on my head. Ok, enough about my hair! smile
my mom hasn't gotten the film developed yet.

i'll try to take some tomorrow with my web cam. smile
Im going to see A Perfect Circle again on April 1st. Last time I saw them play was at a college in San Diego. I was with a girl I was seeing at the time. She passed out about half an hour till the show was done. I ended up having to drag her to the back of the room and get a medic. Had...
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I now know what is missing in my life. Someone that I can look up to.

A real hero. Not the hero that you can visit with a bank note or in a book or a grave/memory.

I need a hero that will inspire me. Take me under their wing and show me the ropes.

A hero that would try in all their power to...
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danke...but it looks like the long hair suits you.
*sings*The king has nothing on this fool. When the angels pass on the overture, you will hear the sound of us falling.

I need to find a hero for my story. Some one beautiful and true. Someone that would be willing to fall and blush in shame's face. Fuck, I hate feeling uninspired.
So, there I am standing around at Disneyland. People are looking at me funny. People are waving at me. People are there just being people. I say, Fuck, I dont know how I would take it if I were famous. Well, at least then people would want to see me and not run into me and giggle.

I get on a ride or two. And...
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i love travis not that hes famous but he is the best damn drummer ever born. my cousins used to kick it with him before he got all famous but i really would love to sit there in front of him playing. this girl i know gets drum lessons from him and i wanted to but im getting them from one of my friends from sugarcult instead! its a good thig you did leave him alone, besides i bet alot of people noticed him with his full sleeved tats and peircings! i hate how girls are so star struck and run up to famous people i casually walk by them if they seem cool then i say "hi" and walk passed. love
famous people make me nervous. people are people, um why not.!?. i've never been to disneyland, you ride the tea cup ride? smile its not sissy i swear.
Ive re-fallen in love with Fire. I dont know what it is about a flame. But it just works my heart and gets me wanting to do things. Good and bad things. I havent felt this way in years. Last tyme I felt a desire to burn I was just a brat lighting matches behind my apartment building. Now, no one can tell me to...
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"Port Hueneme! ... What's there to do man? I mean you live there... what's keeping you there?"

weLL, there ain't shit to do here except go to the beach.
when it comes to nightLife, i drive down to satan monica, hoLLyworst, or up to santa babyLon...

i moved back here from humboLdt county to paint and remodeL my mom's house, and pay off some biLLs. i'LL probabLy move to canada, japan, or taiwan this summer...

no teefers is underrated. smile
*sings* My father, son, my holy ghost. You know the things I've missed the most. God let me do it all again. Let me give you back these wings. I'll trade them for the little things. ~A. Echo

I need to dance. Give me something to dance to. New work is going to be done on my arm soon. The art is going to be...
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