January update time!
The semester has begun full force, and it would suck hard were it not the last. First week of May I'll be finished, so long as all goes well. This semester's array of classes:
Med-Surg 2 (aka CAPSTONE): This is the heavy hitter, 8 credits worth of class and clinical time. I'm starting with one-two 12 hour shifts a week on a Cardiology post-op floor at an excellent local hospital. My preceptor reminds me of Starbuck from the recent BSG, in a good way (so far). I've had a couple tough patients and a couple great patients thus far, par for the course really. 2nd half of the semester I should be in the ER, which will be fantastic.
Public Health: It's a good field though not for me. My clinical is set at a Montessori School where I and another student will be giving presentations on a variety of subjects, starting with advertising, alcohol, and tobacco use and the intersection of the three.
Leadership: All about organization, structure, and leadership styles. Even dryer than it sounds, though the teacher thus far seems better than I had heard. We'll see how the project grading goes.
And a dinky 1 credit course not worth mentioning.
Very little else going on due to lack of time. Got to know a girl from the program recently and we plan to go out in the next couple weeks. She knows her sushi, which is an excellent start.
I hope the new year goes well for all of you. Cheers,
The semester has begun full force, and it would suck hard were it not the last. First week of May I'll be finished, so long as all goes well. This semester's array of classes:
Med-Surg 2 (aka CAPSTONE): This is the heavy hitter, 8 credits worth of class and clinical time. I'm starting with one-two 12 hour shifts a week on a Cardiology post-op floor at an excellent local hospital. My preceptor reminds me of Starbuck from the recent BSG, in a good way (so far). I've had a couple tough patients and a couple great patients thus far, par for the course really. 2nd half of the semester I should be in the ER, which will be fantastic.
Public Health: It's a good field though not for me. My clinical is set at a Montessori School where I and another student will be giving presentations on a variety of subjects, starting with advertising, alcohol, and tobacco use and the intersection of the three.
Leadership: All about organization, structure, and leadership styles. Even dryer than it sounds, though the teacher thus far seems better than I had heard. We'll see how the project grading goes.
And a dinky 1 credit course not worth mentioning.
Very little else going on due to lack of time. Got to know a girl from the program recently and we plan to go out in the next couple weeks. She knows her sushi, which is an excellent start.

I can't believe I've watched you go from first yr to your last semester! I am always so envious of ppl that have their shit so together that they can pull off going to school full time and surviving without having to move back home.