So, Dragon*Con was nerdtastic in its unequalled manner. This was my 7th trip and the best by far of the lot. Had great company for the trip, with new special friend Jenni and henna/glitter artist Wendy joining my usual friends in room sharing. The band selection was particularly good, with Abney Park, Hellblinki, Voltaire, and Faith and the Muse all putting on great shows. Ayria was surprisingly enjoyable, but my discovery of the year was One-Eyed Doll, who was just adorable and fun. I hit some panels, saw Terry Gilliam chat about Parnassus, got a few autographs (Felicia Day and some BSG people), and otherwise had a blast. Many pictures follow:
The young lady in red in the first pic is Jenni, and she and I hit it off quite well over the weekend. We've gone out a couple times since, hit the jogging trail together, and appear to be on a collision course with DESTINY! We've got quite a lot in common, and she's infernally clever -- good things are definitely possible. I introduced her to Let the Right One In, and she lent me Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. She may well be the One for me!
I can't find my cell phone.
Classes and clinicals go well. I had a patient with the very rare Proteus syndrome the other day (think 'the Elephant Man'), which was very cool, and have taken care of kids with spina bifida, cystic fibrosis, terminal leukemia, and sickle cell disease thus far. Two more weeks of pediatrics, and I start the test of my gag reflex known as maternity. I'm not known for love of babies or the birthing process.
Did you know it's October? Best month of the year by far, of course. In fact, I urge you to go out and enjoy October right now! Cheers,