Summer semester is over. Absolute Hell. Not the fun sort of Hell where youre merely boiled in pitch and have your testicles stapled to your tonsils, either. It sucked. The guy with the Ph.D. dropped out. Smartest girl in my class and current crush object bowed out of the accelerated program and will pay another semesters worth of exorbitant out-of-state tuition to keep her stress levels down. Everyones on anti-depressants, anxiolytics*, beta-blockers or sleep aids. Some are in therapy. I cant sleep more than two hours straight because my body thinks its still in school.
Needless to say, we celebrated after the last exam, with lunch and drinks at a local Chapel Hill eatery. I looked pretty damn pimpin, chowing down and doing birthday tequila shots with 30 lovely fellow students. Afterward, a dozen of us continued on through various Chapel Hill drinking spots, nepenthe flowing from every tap, bottle, and keg we could fit a glass under. A few pictures of our glorious outing:
So now I have 4 weeks off to chill, reset, and maybe prepare a little for the much easier fall semester. No plans, really, except working through my Netflix queue, spending time with the usual suspects, and taking care of some much neglected infrastructure (cleaning the home, bathing the car, paying the bills and other mundanities). And, of course, keeping track of all the SGland lovelies. Because somebody has to.
In one month is Dragon*Con. This will be my 7th trip to nerd paradise. Its not as massive as ComicCon (a good thing, imo), but it's no small affair, and the guest list is fairly impressive, including Terry Gilliam, Patrick Stewart, Malcolm McDowell, Leonard Nimoy, George Romero, geek dream girl Felicia Day, and a host of others. Good times!
The con seriously needs some SG representation, however. Perhaps if I threaten to wear nothing but an SG tanktop and a thong, Missy will be forced to send a task force
*anxiolytic = anti-anxiety medication, like Xanax